Supmea Thailand trademark successfully registered

Supmea Thailand trademark successfully registered

On February 14, 2019, the Supmea Thailand trademark was successfully registered. Now, Supmea has suc...
Supmea 2018 year-end celebration

Supmea 2018 year-end celebration

On January 19th, the 2018 year-end celebration was grandly opened in the Supmea lecture hall, where ...
E+H visited Supmea and conducted technical exchanges

E+H visited Supmea and conducted technical exchanges

On August 3, E+H engineer Mr. Wu visited the Supmea headquarters to exchanged technical questions wi...
Supmea Automation moved into the new site

Supmea Automation moved into the new site

On the first day of July, after several days of intense and orderly planning, Supmea Automation move...
Supmea Innovation Scholarship Established

Supmea Innovation Scholarship Established

△Supmea Automation Co., Ltd. donates “Electric Fund” to the Zhejiang University of Water Resources a...
Treffen Sie Supmea von in Halle 11 am Stand A82/1 Hannover Messe

Treffen Sie Supmea von in Halle 11 am Stand A82/1 Hannover Messe

The most influential industrial trade fair in the world, Hannover Messe 2018 will take place between...
Supmea helping with water projects in Lebanon and Morocco

Supmea helping with water projects in Lebanon and Morocco

Follow the "One Belt and One Road Initiative" Towards internationalization!! On April 7, 2018, the S...
Supmea flowmeter used in wastewater treatment stations

Supmea flowmeter used in wastewater treatment stations

Supmea Flowmeter is used in centralized wastewater treatment stations in aluminum production parks t...
Egyptian partners visit Supmea

Egyptian partners visit Supmea

On January 26, 2018, Hangzhou welcomed its first snowfall in 2018, during this period, Mr. Sherif, a...

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